Wednesday; March 2

The older I get, the more I realize how little I know. Now it would be easy to blame this on a declining memory, but the truth is that I probably didn’t know all that much in the beginning!
Seriously, as I have aged (and hopefully matured) I have begun to understand that I have fewer answers to life’s most complex questions. As a younger person, I might have the audacity to think that I knew what someone else should do or pray for a particular way for God to intervene in another person’s life; but the more I see, the less I seem to understand. In fact, recently, I come to realize that one of the best phrases in our payer lives could be, “Lord, You know what we need, please provide it.” I am not smart enough to figure out all of life’s problems, nor do I understand just how powerful God is, so why not just dump the whole load on His shoulders? No, this isn’t a sign of weakness – in truth I have come to realize it probably more a sign of spiritual strength.
Centuries ago, when Jesus was facing the most important decision in the history of mankind, He expressed His opinion, but then turned it over to God. Jesus had been with some of His closest friends, then, “… He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.’” (Matthew 26:39). Is there any more powerful phrase in the vocabulary of humanity than, “Your will be done”?
When we find ourselves facing the challenge of praying at a critical moment, let’s not be afraid to say, “Okay, God, You take care of it.”. Not only will it take it off our plate, it will put it in the hands of the One who can deal with it perfectly.

Think About It!

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