Wednesday; February 2

Happy Ground Hog’s Day! According to tradition and folklore Punxsutawney Phil will pop out of his hole, look around for his shadow and determine if we are going to have to endure more cold weather. Cute concept – but not all that reliable. Now, please don’t misunderstand me. I like Phil as much as the next guy, but we have to be realistic about where we turn for our information. Phil may be a neat looking little guy, but I am not about to base my beliefs about the rest of the winter on a rodent. I still view the weather experts’ fourteen day forecast with skepticism, an overgrown gopher doesn’t instill a level of confidence in me.
As we watch and wait for Phil’s appearance, let’s think about other areas where so-called expertise may not be all that reliable. Should we be willing to listen to lessons on morality by media stars? Are scientists the best sources of information about theology? Should athletes be our go-tos on cultural and social struggles. No, I am not saying that we should always ignore them; what I am saying is that we need to consider the source. If they have done their due diligence, they may have some insight into accurate information, but let’s not believe them just because they have a coolness factor associated to them.
I hope that Phil doesn’t see his shadow so we can start warming up but no matter what he indicates, let’s allow him to be a reminder to consider our sources. Experts are a dime a dozen, but truth and accuracy are priceless!

Think About It!

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