Thursday; February 24

It was on February 24, 1942 that the Voice Of America began broadcasting in Germany to counter the propaganda that the Hitler administration had spread throughout the nation. Through the years, the Voice Of America has been broadcast around the world to promote an understanding of the United States and disseminate American values. VOA became an important weapon during the Cold War and continues to broadcast in the 21st Century. Folks, I have to be honest, I am not familiar enough with the Voice Of America to know if I like it’s content or not, but its concept intrigued me. Its design is to promote the ideology of freedom to many who don’t really know what that is. No, not everyone will accept the message, but there is value in promoting the concept of freedom and democracy.
As I got to thinking about the Voice of America, I got to reflecting on the message of God. (No, Americanism isn’t the same as the gospel, but hang in there with me for a minute.) Does it feel like the voice of Christianity is being overwhelmed by the din of human philosophy? The truth of the matter is that there is more of them than there is of us, so why try? Our voices are bound to be shouted down by the world, wouldn’t it be better to just remain quiet because no one is listening to us anyway! Yet, there is value in proclaiming the message of God. First (and foremost) because there may be someone who is influenced by it; yet another reason is to bring an equilibrium to our society. If all people hear is the truth according to the world, things are guaranteed to get worse. Yet, if we keep speaking the truth, we bring a balance that the world needs to hear. Years ago, Paul told Timothy to preach the word “in season and out of season” even though people might ignore it. Then he admonishes, “But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (I Timothy 4:2, 5). The world needs to hear the truth and we need to proclaim it, so let’s preach on!

Think About It!

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