Monday; January 31

I woke up the other morning thinking about how much divides us – more specifically, how adversarial we have become. It seems that in so many aspects of our lives, we have adopted the mantra – You are either with me or against me, period! In today’s society this seems to have been magnified to include agreement on just about everything. We have a tendency to buy into some dogma then, unless yours aligns with mine, not only can we not be friends, we can’t even be amicable! The more I thought about this issue, the more I began to see that we have missed the mark on this. Is our challenge being “correct” or being “right”? In other words, have we become so partisan that we have lost sight of the need to find the truth, no matter who wins? Folks, our so-called adversaries might not be as ignorant as we give them credit. In fact, they may be more accurate than we are on some things. What is the harm in learning from each – and maybe even leaning on each other so that we can all become better.
As I was processing these thoughts, this quote from Amy Weatherly showed up in my email, “Nobody has it all figured out. It's our job to cheer each other on, lift each other up, and push each other to keep giving our best. It matters who we surround ourselves with. We need to be better to each other.”. Are we searching for a better society or merely social superiority? Let’s do ourselves and our children a favor – let’s seek the truth and live by the principles that make us all better.

Think About It!

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