Monday; December 20

As I drove through town the other day, I noticed someone sitting all alone in their vehicle having a very animated conversation – complete with hand gestures. Interestingly, I didn’t really think much about it other than how normal it has become. A few years back, if I would have seen that I would have wondered what was going on. It was one thing to talk to yourself, but actually moving your lips and your hands seemed a bit over the top. Now, with handsfree phones, seeing people engaged in animated conversations is pretty commonplace. Not all of them are talking to someone else – but it just doesn’t strike us as odd on the surface.
As I thought about changing times, I got to thinking about how common immorality has become. What used to shock us, has not only become commonplace, it is also accepted as the norm. Things that used to cause us to blush (or even prompt us to action) are merely accepted as a part of our society. The problem with this is that much of immorality – by definition – is wrong. As Christians, when we see it, not only should it offend us, it probably should prompt some kind of action.
Let’s keep Paul’s warning fresh in our minds, “… do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2). The world may accept evil as normal, but we need to make sure we understand its true nature – and its affront to the righteousness of God.

Think About It!

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