Tuesday; October 19

One of the more interesting side-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been how it has taken the focus away from other societal issues. Coming into pandemic a lot of attention had been focused on the opioid crisis that was addicting and killing too many people. The drug issues didn’t magically go away, rather they were just pushed to the back burner once COVID appeared. Other health issues such as cancers and heart disease were overshadowed by this new virus. I don’t know that people are generally healthier than they were before March, 2020; we just don’t hear as much about them.
The reason I bring this up is to remind us to be cautious with over-emphasizing one problem while overlooking others. As we have seen, this can be done with societal and health issues, but it is also present in morality as well. In each era, certain sins capture our attention and seem to demand our action; however, that doesn’t mean that other offenses are left behind. It may be popular to condemn one type of sin, but we must be careful not to ignore others that are still prevalent.

Let’s not be so quick to jump on the bandwagon to eliminate one problem that we forget or even ignore other things that might be as bad or worse. Folks, sin is sin. Let’s do our best to deal with it all equally and effectively.

Think About It!

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