Friday; October 8

Today would have been my mother’s 82nd birthday. My Mom was my biggest fan – of course she was because I was her oldest child (and a son as well) – however, we didn’t always see eye-to-eye on everything. (I wonder if that was because that in many things, we were quite similar.) Anyway, in honor of the date of her birth I thought I’d share a few “momisms”. Some come from her, others she probably thought even if she didn’t say them.

You don’t have to tell everything you know. It took me a while to figure this one out. I assumed everyone wanted my opinion and insights; however, there are many things that should just be kept to ourselves. Some, because they aren’t all that interesting, others because they don’t need to be discussed in public.

Don’t believe everything you hear. There are a lot of “experts” around who profess to have the answers to life’s issues. We need be open-minded to new things, but a little skepticism provides a good balance to life.

Act like you are somebody. This can be easily mistaken, but the intent is simplified by the corollary, “Act like you have been out of the house before.” Simply put, carry yourself in a way that is respectable and respectful.

Talk to your mother. Often, when I would call home, my Dad and I would visit, then Mom would get on the phone and would almost sarcastically remind me that I should talk to my mother. You know, she was right. The older I get the more I realize how busy we can be. Let’s take the time to talk to our mothers. You never know how quickly they might leave us.

Think About It!

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