Monday; September 27

I don’t know about you, but one thing the constant attention to the COVID virus has done was remind me how bad I feel most days. As someone who has dealt with allergies for years, the last several months have made me more aware of my symptoms because many of them resemble those that accompany COVID. Each morning that I wake up with a scratchy throat, nasal congestion and a slight headache I wonder if I have the virus. After thinking about it for a bit – and taking my allergy medicine – the fear subsides and I get back to my routine. Talking about the symptoms of the virus has made me more aware of my general health

The reason I bring this up is not to have you run away from me whenever I am around for fear that I have the disease (if that was the case, I have had COVID for about eighteen months); rather it is wonder out loud if we should be talking more about sin in our world? It is more fun for Christians to discuss faith, hope and love; but there is a need to identify sin. One reason is to expose it in the world, but another – more subtle reason – might be to have people do an internal self-evaluation for its presence in their lives. When we talk about the evils in the world, we just might prompt someone to look at themselves and realize they are struggling with their spiritual health. Through the years, they may have become immune to the decline in their spiritual wellbeing, so by being open about sin, maybe we can remind them that they need to be taking care of their spiritual side.

Let’s not become known as Negative Nellies, but let’s be willing to talk about sin and the evil in the world. When we do, we might just help someone find the treatment they need to make them whole again.

Think About It!

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