Tuesday; August 31

Through the years humans have done some really good things. In my lifetime we have eradicated some diseases and made many more manageable. We are working on feeding the hungry and housing the homeless at a rate that rivals any other time in history. Yet, there is one thing that we can’t seem to get a handle on – war. From the beginning of mankind, when humans have been at odds with one another we have resorted to physical conflict and violence. At times this is settled one-on-one, but all too often we muster an “us” vs. “them” mentality and we march off to war. Through the years there has been a lot of discussion about war in general and individual wars in particular, but the fact remains that human beings are still settling differences on battlefields. Most of us realized this, but the events of last week served as a painful reminder that it is still with us.

Today’s thought is not about the value or even the morality of war; rather it is about something altogether different. While the world (humans) are dead-set on waging war with each other, the Lord has extended an eternal olive branch. When Jesus was about to be crucified for our sins (an act of heroism in the war between good and evil) He made a promise, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” (John 14:27). While this promise was made directly to His closest disciples, it has expanded out to each and every believer. No, Jesus’ peace will not bring an end to human warring, but it can bring light to our lives. Just as sure as there will always be wars and rumors of wars among nations, there is also an everlasting peace that exists between God and His people.
Our hearts go out to those who have been impacted by the atrocities of war. As we grieve though, let us never lose hope in the pure and perfect peace of Jesus.

Think About It!

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