Friday; July 2

There are a lot of people who are afraid of dying. I get it. Death is something that none of us have experienced. We don’t know how the process will go nor what will happen to us when we get to the other side of eternal life. I think a lot of us find consolation in a spiritual perspective of death; but it can be a scary thought. While a fear of death can be intense, there is another fear that can impact us – the fear of living. You might be wondering where I am coming from (and where I am going), but it is easy to be afraid of going out and living life to its fullest. Some of us are afraid of making a mistake, so we constantly do what we have always done. We never try anything new and, while this gives us some security, it also limits experiencing certain joys. Some of us are afraid of disappointing others. We are so concerned that we will do or say something that might be misinterpreted that we constantly fret about what people think about us. I am in favor of limiting our speech because the less we say the less likely we are to something inappropriate; but, we can take this to the extreme that we are constantly tied up in knots about what people think about us.

Society often talks about overcoming fears – but let’s not just focus on fear of snakes, airplanes or public speaking. Let’s be willing to step out and try new things – even if we fail – because when we do, we’ll find out something about our world and ourselves. Let’s do our best to be good and caring people who interact with others in kindness; then trust that others will accept us for what we are. When we overcome our fears, we’ll be able to relax and enjoy life to its fullest.

Think About It!

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