Friday; May 21

One of the more constant criticisms of Christianity by non-believers is the number of religious groups. Their thought is if Christianity is legitimate, why are there so many different churches espousing such different doctrines? Now, while I don’t agree with our critics’ assessment, it is easy to understand their confusion and their argument. However, the problem isn’t with “Christianity”, the issue is with people who claim to be Christians, but really aren’t. The true meaning of a Christian is someone who is a disciple of Christ; yet, too often, people who want to wear the name aren’t ready to walk the walk. Rather than being dedicated to following Jesus and His ways, they are pursuing their own agenda. They are following their own logic, their own social cause or even their own selfish desires. To the world, they may appear to be a believer, but in reality, they aren’t a disciple of Jesus the Christ. To be faithful to Christ, we must accept Paul’s challenge to Christians. After identifying the nature of Jesus, he declared, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.” (Colossians 1:17-18). This is the focus of Christianity!

Let’s make things easier on the world and better on the church by accepting Jesus as our Lord. When we follow Him, we have a clear picture of who we are and a clear path to what we can become.

Think About It!

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