Monday; April 19

April 19th and 20th have the reputation of being troubling dates in our nation’s history. April 19th, 1993 was the day the government’s conflict with the Branch Davidians came to a head in Waco, Texas. While much of the nation was focused on the events in Waco, many of us in South Dakota were mourning the death of Governor George Mickelson and his staff who died the same day in an airplane crash. Two years later, in 1995, Timothy McVeigh blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Not only was April 20th Adolph Hitler’s birthday (1889), but it was also the date two killers invaded Columbine High School (1999). No, not every April has been horrific, but for a while I got to where I would have gladly skipped this week and moved directly into May.

I must admit that this week can weigh heavy on me, but this year I would like to propose something different. Rather than allowing ourselves to get down because of the events of our past, let’s look forward to the hope of the future. Let’s not allow hate, violence and tragedy to drag us down, let’s enjoy the blessing of being alive and turning the misfortunes of the past into good deeds of today. Sure, there is value in mourning and remembering, but let’s end the days with a prevailing spirit of love and service to one another.

Most of us remember April 19-20, 2020 as a time of uncertainty at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s make it a point to make memories on April 19 and 20 in 2021 that remind us that people are special and life is worth living!

Think About It!

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