Thursday; January 28

Have you ever dreaded talking to someone? You may have played it over and over in your mind and landed on the assumption that the discussions were going to be difficult so you either delayed the conversation or worried yourself sick. Then, when you gathered up the courage, you met with them and things went okay. It ended up not be a problem at all. While that can be a great relief, the fact remains that a lot of time was wasted worrying about something that didn’t matter. So how do we avoid the headaches? The simple answer is that we need to be willing to talk to people. Rather than dreading those types of conversations, we should be willing to be open and honest with each other and work together to resolve our differences or even potential problems. Instead of fearing what might happen, let’s take the initiative to communicate.
Is there someone we are avoiding because the conversation might turn out to be difficult? Let’s take it upon ourselves to pick up the phone or walk across the street and have the talk. The sooner we do it, the quicker we can put our anxiety behind us.
Think About It!

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