Wednesday; December 2

Forty-one years ago, I had a steak dinner; then a chocolate milkshake and a cherry pie for dessert. I believe I was wearing a pair of cream-colored pants, a brown Qiana shirt and my best cowboy boots. I spent the majority of the evening watching the Nutcracker Ballet and a good portion of the rest of the evening at McDonalds. Now, if you know me, you realize I have trouble remembering what I did yesterday; so how can I recall with detail what I was doing over four decades ago? Well, it was my first date with Jeane. That date (the event, not just December 2) is such an important part of my life that it is stamped in my memory! I am not the most sentimental person around, but every December 2nd I try to take a minute and remember the excitement of that night. Sure, we have had our challenges along the way, but my life was forever changed for the better on that night and I am thankful for it!
We live in an era where we seek out things that are bigger and better. Unfortunately, we have been so blessed that we have forgotten so many special memories, but I want to challenge us to think back and remember the blessings – especially the simple ones that have made us into who we are. I hope you recall your one-in-a-lifetime trip to Europe, but I hope you never forget your first kiss with your spouse. I hope you look back on your children’s college graduation, but that you also relish their first step or their first word. I hope you are proud of your new luxury car, but I hope you look back fondly on the old beater that you paid for with your part-time job which, even though it was held together with duct tape and bailing wire, got you through your high school years.

I hope that you have many more goals and achievements ahead of you, but don’t forget to remember (and be thankful for) those precious memories of days gone by. They may be simple, but they sure can make life special!
Think About It!

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