Thursday; November 5

What does this world owe me?

The answer is nothing! Yet how easy is it for us to get into a mindset that this world owes us something and we are going to sit right here and wait (and whine) until someone makes things okay for us. The problem with this logic is that it isn’t going to happen – well, at least not consistently. Sure, we might be able to find someone who is willing to bail us out periodically, but if we are going to consistently be strong, we can’t rely on other people taking care of us.

The other night, Jeane and I watched a movie that we both needed to see. The movie was PT 109 and the hero was John F. Kennedy. Now, I may not agree with President Kennedy’s politics or even some of his lifestyle, but that movie reminded me of what it took to not only be successful, but what it meant to be a hero. Even if only half of what Hollywood portrayed in that movie was accurate, it was a reminder that life may or may not be fair, but it is our responsibility to take charge of our lives and do the best we can – even when the odds are against us. When we do, not only will we live a productive life, we might even enhance the lives of others – and inspire them to make the most out of themselves.
Are we sitting back and waiting for opportunities or gifts to fall into our laps? If so, we shouldn’t be surprised when we feel left out. We have two choices; we can be a causality of life or we can conquer it. We must make the decision to overcome life because if we don’t, we will be stuck with whatever it hands us!
Think About It!

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