Thursday; October 8

Today would have been my Mom’s 81st birthday, so in her honor I would like to share a few life lessons she left me. (By the way, she tried to teach me many of these lessons throughout much of my life, but with many of them, I was a rather slow learner.) In honor of her birthday, here are a few Momisms:

1. Act like you know better. I still hear these words ringing in the corners of my memory. Mom expected us to behave, not only in a way that didn’t embarrass her and my Dad, but in a way that was appropriate it. They had provided us with a good background, they expected good behavior.

2. You marry who you date. As a teenage boy, it was exciting to go out on dates, but Mom would always try to keep me grounded by reminding me to date girls with similar morals and values. Romantic love is fickle and you never knew which girl you could fall for, so before starting a dating a relationship, you’d better make sure she shared a common belief system. (Now that I am married, this translates into a parallel lesson of friendships, “Evil companions corrupt good morals.”)

3. Everyone needs a cheerleader. My Mom was not realistic when it came to certain things. I think she thought I was the best preacher ever. She was convinced that no one could have had a better daughter-in-law than she did. She had the smartest, prettiest and most talented grandchildren – bar none! There were times when I listened to how she would brag on us and I wondered where her rational came from but now I realize she wasn’t speaking from the head, she was all heart. In a world that is so fixated with tearing us down, we all need someone who sees it as their job to build us up.
My Mom taught me a lot about life, hopefully yours did to – but if not, feel free to borrow a few lessons from my Mom. I have plenty to spare.
Think About It!

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