Friday; October 30

The other day I was drawn to an article in the Washington Post about the upcoming election.  Under the title of the article was the observation, “The two sides have come to view each other not as opponents, but as deeply evil.”.  As I read the article I learned that this comment was made by Peter Stearns from George Mason University; but let’s face it, it could have come from a number of people.  I have been through several elections during the course of my life, but I can’t recall one that has been this contentious.  As we step back and look at things through perspective, not only can we see the differences of opinions over policies, but we also feel the struggle to separate emotion from issues. Many people have already cast votes with others preparing to do so next week, but I am afraid that even after the polling places close on Tuesday, the heightened emotions will continue. 
So, how can we stay untied in the current state of affairs? 
1.  Pray for the people who see things differently than we see them.  No, we shouldn’t necessarily pray that they will see the light and change their minds; rather, we should pray that love will prevail.  And, since we can’t count on others being loving, we have to take the lead in showing them what love looks like.
2.  Pray for our nation.  Again, our prayer shouldn’t be that God will put “our” people in office, rather that no matter who wins, that God will use our nation as a force for good.
          3.  Remember that God is greater than any nation or system of government.  A quick review of biblical history reminds us that God is in control and can use any form of government to do His will.  From the Egyptians to the Babylonians to the Romans, God’s people have been successful in all types of environments.  It isn’t about who sits on the seat of government, it is all about Who sits on the throne of heaven.
          We – you and me – will be the ones who decide what happens to this nation after the election.  Will we be willing to support our friends and neighbors or will we treat everyone like an adversary? 
          Think About It!

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