Thursday; August 27

“You can’t tell me what to do. You aren’t the boss of me!”

Have you ever heard this? More importantly, have you ever said it? I imagine that during our sibling squabbles from days gone by we may have protested another child’s influence over us by saying this or something similar. During a time of childish independence, we advocated that we were going to be our own boss and we weren’t going to be bullied by anyone – much less those closest to us! Now, let’s fast-forward a few years and ask a very important question: do we still have this same type of hutzpah or have we become convinced that others are our bosses and do control what we believe or do? For a minute, let’s take this out of an employment setting and analyze it from other perspectives. Have we allowed our parents to determine what we could do with our lives? Have we permitted domineering friends or family members to limit our inquisitiveness or zeal for adventure? Have we cowered to a community expectation of what we can become and given up on our hopes and dreams? Have we allowed social perspectives to suck the life out of us and render us unhappy and unfulfilled? In a sense, we have allowed something to tell us what we can or can’t do and they have become the boss of us. Yes, we all have to live within some confines to do a job or live peaceably in a community, but too often we allow too many influences quash our potential.
Who will we allow to be our bosses? Let’s be selective to whom we give control of our lives. When they raise us up, let’s follow them; but when they drag us down, let’s exercise our independence and move on to greater things and better influences.

Think About It!

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