Thursday; August 20
What does it mean to be a leader? We live in a world that is in desperate need of leaders, but who should we follow?
Before we discuss the qualities of
leadership, it might be beneficial to identify what leadership isn’t. Leadership is not management. Managers are people who are assigned the
completion of tasks and utilization of resources. Their job is make sure goals are met as
efficiently as possible. Sure, they can
play an important role in the bottom line, but they aren’t necessarily people
who will help their people be the best they can be. Leadership is not authority. Many people have risen to a position of power
in ways that are illegal, immoral or just plain out wrong. They have influence over people because they
control a certain element of their lives.
So what is leadership? Leadership is the ability to help people
become the best they can be. It is
caring enough about others to assist them in shaping their own talents and abilities
to develop a fulfilling life. Leadership
is having the wisdom to understand how to support people and the integrity to
demonstrate how the good life looks.
Leaders are found everywhere in a 360-degree world. Sure, they can be
atop a multi-layered corporation or just starting out in the proverbial
basement. They can be in positions of
national or local power, but they might also be the public servants keeping the
peace in a neighborhood.
As we mentioned, the world needs
leaders. Are we willing to appreciate
those who demonstrate true leadership ability?
Are we committed to helping others become the best they can be?
Think About It!