Thursday; August 13


          I am not going to claim that people are more divisive than they have ever been – but I sure am not going to say that we are more united!  Throughout time, people have always struggled with getting along with others.  In fact, the number of times the phrase “love one another” is used in the Bible reminds us of how important it is and how overlooked it can be.  Interestingly, if we have to be reminded to love our friends, family and coworkers; just imagine how challenging it is for everyone else.  On one hand, this might indicate that we should be alleviated from trying to make extra effort to get along with others that we don’t like; but the Bible puts an end to that philosophy.  In direct conflict to a modern worldview Jesus said, “But I say to you, you’re your enemies and pray for those who persecute you …” (Matthew 5:44).  If that isn’t enough, He also remarked, “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.  (Luke 6:27-28).  If we don’t have an excuse to not love someone, how do we make that happen?  In these commands, Jesus gives us some insight into how we can do it:  First, we need to pray for people who mistreat us (even if it is to the point of persecution).  Second, we must do good to people – especially those who hate us.  Finally, we should bless (say good things) to those who say bad things about us. 

          We live in an era when we have to do something to make a dent in fixing what is dividing us.  Let’s search out ways to spread love – to those who love us and to those who don’t!

Think About It!

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