Friday; July 31

Several things have developed over the past couple of weeks that have reminded us to take the COVID-19 issue seriously.  Some spikes in cases in certain parts of the country as well as a need for some of us to get tested has caused us to remember that the virus is still with us and exposure to it can have an impact on our lifestyle.
As I was thinking about this refocus, I got to wondering what it would take to remind us of our need to take Christianity seriously.  Unfortunately, like the temptation to overlook the importance of diligence in the pandemic, ignoring the need to remain diligent in our spiritual walk can have drastic consequences.  When we become too casual in our approach to Christianity we might feel the sting of accountability.  Whether it is in the deterioration of morals, a loss of evangelism or a lackadaisical approach to worship and service it is easy to lose our focus.  
While there may be some similarities between the two situations, there is one major difference.  Even though we may not know when, we are expecting the medical community to come up with a solution to the virus.  However, unless we as Christians take the initiative to remain vigilant in our own spiritual lives, we won’t be able to overcome the impact of satan’s influence.  There is no social movement to press for solving our spiritual issues – it is up to us.  Are we serious about Christianity?  If not, we might want to review what the Lord said the 1st Century church in Ephesus, “But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place—unless you repent.” (Revelation 2:4-5).
Think About It!

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