Tuesday; March 24
One of the things we hear a
lot of these days is how the “church” is not a building or an organization –
the church is the people. There have
been several references to passages like Acts 2:46 that tells us, “Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and
breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their
meals together with
gladness and sincerity of heart ...”. On
one hand I am glad to hear that many Christians have come to an understanding
of the individual nature of our religion, but this freedom comes with a
caveat. Yes, we are individual believers
in God and it does open up opportunities for things like small group worship
assemblies in times of crisis, but it also means that we are individually
accountable for the being a part of God’s plan.
It is great that we can continue without having to “go to a church
building”, but in addition to having “house church” we must personally be loving
to our neighbor, taking care of the needs of our community and spreading the
gospel of Jesus Christ. Yes, the church
flourished during the early years when it was made up of smaller clusters of
Christians, but the reason was because people – individuals – were dedicated to
the cause of Christ.
be thankful that God had the foresight to give us an example of how
Christianity can survive in small group settings. However, let’s also pattern our lives after
those who were enthusiastic enough to make it flourish.
Think About It!