Thursday; March 12

Have you ever worked hard on something only to have someone else come along and get the credit for it?  Have you ever had a plan on how something should be done, then someone else came along, did it a different way and had success?  If so, how did that make you feel – angry, unappreciated, spiteful or vindictive?  Many of us have these types of quandaries in our lives (and often experience these types of emotions), yet is that how we are supposed to act?  Sure, it is nice to be recognized, but isn’t the bottom line to accomplish good?  When the Apostle Paul was doing his best to spread the message of Christianity to the Roman world you might expect that he would have been held in high esteem by everyone; however, he wasn’t.  Yes, some people loved and respected him, but others didn’t.  Interestingly, though, even some of those who didn’t like him were teaching a true Gospel and were successfully leading others to Christ.  What was the apostle’s response?  After reflecting on their message (rather than their methods) he wrote, “What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and in this I rejoice.  Yes, and I will rejoice ...” (Philippians 1:18).  In essence, when it comes to the important things in life, if God is glorified we shouldn’t worry too much about whether we get the credit – even if others are mean to us. 
          Let’s not miss the big picture in the smallness of selfishness.  When we do our best and God is exalted, let’s not worry about who gets the credit.
          Think About It!

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