Thursday; May 2

When George H. W. Bush accepted his party’s nomination for the presidential campaign of 1988 he reflected on his concept of the American community, then after listing several examples of service organizations observed, “... a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky.”  Shortly after his election he underscored his inauguration by noting, “The old ideas are new again because they are not old, they are timeless: duty, sacrifice, commitment, and a patriotism that finds its expression in taking part and pitching in.”.  While I personally like President Bush, I think his challenge transcends political agendas and can serve to inspire us to do more for our nation and our fellow man.  At the risk of sounding like an old fogy, the concept of service to community and our fellow man is in danger of being overshadowed by the pursuit of self-serving fulfillment.  Taking care our neighbors has been shouted down by those demanding that “We take care of Number One”.  I hope that each individual will be successful, but there is a deeper desire – that together, we take care of each other. 
What are we doing to make this nation – this state – this community – this neighborhood the best it can be?  Let me rephrase that (this time a little more forcefully and personally) what am I doing to help the people around me become safer, better and more contented?  When we get right down to it, government and society aren’t best suited to successfully care for the needs of people.  That is something that we can do most efficiently one person, one family, one organization and one church at a time!
Think About It!

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