Thursday; March 28

In the spring of 1997 I had the opportunity to work with the Grand Forks, North Dakota Police Department response to the flooding of the Red River.  When I arrived the  flood waters were very evident – there was water in the neighborhoods, streets, parks and parking lots.  Yet, as the days passed, something interesting happened – the water receded.  Within a couple of days the water was gone and from a surface perspective, things looked almost back to normal; but that was far from the truth.  Basements throughout town were still flooded, standing bridges had suffered structural stress, the electrical grid was damaged and, as much as anything, people’s activities were disrupted and their lives were devastated.  Sometimes, when things seem to be back to normal, crisis is still present. 
This concept has come to my attention again recently.  According to reports, the effects of the Parkland school shooting are still obvious a year after the tragedy.  Military sources continue to deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other emotional reactions even though the soldiers and sailors are out of the war zone and living somewhat normal, peacetime lives. 
The point is that just because the “smoke has cleared” doesn’t mean that everything is stable.  As I thought about these examples, I wondered how many other people are still struggling with things that continue to gnaw at them?  Their lives might appear to be back on an even keel, but that doesn’t mean that they have found resolution.  Many of us are quick to respond to people in need, but let’s not declare an “all clear” too soon.  Support doesn’t come with an expiration date and our challenge to, “Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) doesn’t have a statute of limitations. 
Have we worked with someone in crisis?  Are they really ready to deal with things without our support?
          Think About It!

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