Friday; December 28

          How long does it take us to realize we said the wrong thing?  I think, as a younger person, I was often clueless as to how dumb I was.  As I look back on it, I realize just how thoughtless many of my comments might have been.  When I was in college I always had a quick response to people – and every so often I would get it right – but, for the most part I was often more convicted than effective.  During our early years of marriage I would say things that would make me cringe now but back then, they just made Jeane irritated.  I would like to think that I have learned to be more judicious when I speak – but, one thing I do know is that I am more aware of the impact of what I say and am more apt to realize when I say something stupid.  Now, if I can just master the ability to remain silent longer and more often I can move on to a better (and easier) life.
          It would be interesting to know what kind of communicator the great King Solomon was in his lifetime.  His Book of Proverbs is filled with great communication techniques – I just hope he was more able to practice what he preached than am I.  One of the points the wise man made is, “gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1).  As I think back on my life I can recall a few times when I wished I could have be a little quicker and more forward in my responses; but, I can remember a lot more times when discretion and kindness would have been a better choice than the one I made.  Even today, when I know better, there are too many times I don’t do better.  Yes, I usually realize the minute I say it that I was too harsh – I just need to work on applying the filter and brake BEFORE the words come out of my mouth.
          Let’s make a concerted effort to speak with truth and gentleness.  When we do, we will have a lot fewer apologizes to make.
Think About It!

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