Wednesday; September 5
we put too much emphasis on being the brightest kid in the classroom? Do we feel that if we can confound those
around us that we have accomplished something special? Sure, being intelligent and articulate is a
blessing, but it is also important to understand that being understood is the
ultimate goal. In his book “The Trust Edge”, David Horsager quotes
Colin Powell as saying, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers who
can cut through the argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everyone
can understand”. When it comes to leadership, understandability
is more important than brilliance.
have been a lot of books written through the years that try to explain
life. Many really intelligent people
have offered incredible insights into how to be successful. Yet, there is one book that is the definitive
answer to the question of “What is life?”.
The Bible is the complete guide to life.
Interestingly, while it is a book that can confound the greatest minds
of all times, it is also so simple that our children can understand it. It is the plain, simple truth. When one of the New Testament writers
analyzed what he called “Scripture”, he noted, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be
adequate, equipped for every good work.” (II Timothy 3:16-17).
Let’s do our best to prepare ourselves for dealing with the
complexities of our world, but let’s never lose sight of how simple things can
(and should be). We will never be able
to impress God with our intellect, but our simple leadership might just be what
someone needs to help them find Him.
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