Tuesday; May 29

The other day I was reading a social media post from someone from Indiana who was excited about the Indianapolis 500.  As I scanned down the responses I noticed one that – in no uncertain terms – mentioned how boring the race was.  On one hand, I can empathize with the non-race fan, but then it dawned on me that just because something isn’t of interest to me that doesn’t mean others feel the same way.  Even if a lot of people share my feelings, what gives us the right to criticize what other people enjoy? (I should have known this because as a baseball fan I have been subjected to the chant of “boring” more than once in my life.)
          As I pondered this, it got to thinking about the number of times I have been guilty of not being excited about things that interest other people.  How many times has someone tried to share something with me and I all but blew them off?  (By the way, the answer to that question is “More than I can – or care to – count!”)
          So, how can I be a better friend and conversationalist?
1.  I should focus some of my conversations to what is of interest to them.  Ask them what is going on their world and what they would like to talk about.
2.  I need to express genuine interest in what they find interesting.  No, the answer isn’t just feigning interest – it is showing honest interest in the things that are important to them.  When we value them as a person, we will find them and their pursuits interesting.  We may not choose to be excited about it on our own, but if they are interested, we support them.
3.  I ought to become a more well-rounded person.  I like what I like.  Yet, what would happen if I developed a general aptitude in multiple interests?  I could become a better friend just by broadening my view of what is going on in the world and in the lives of others.  There is an old adage that describes being a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none.  When it comes to conversation and friendship this can be as asset.
          Think About It

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