Thursday; May 10

          The other day I was scrolling through my social media account and found myself getting stressed.  I would come across a comment made by one person, then move on to something else added by another respondent and, before long I started to feel the frustration (manifesting itself in the tightening of my neck muscles).  It was at that point that I had a realization – it wasn’t “them” that was making me upset, it was “me” that was getting me riled up.  I found that I was having a negative emotional reaction to something they were saying about their feelings on their Facebook account.  It dawned on me – why should I be upset – they didn’t ask for my opinion about what they were saying and they weren’t arguing with me about something I was saying, so what it is the big deal?  If they want to express their opinion, more power to them.  I don’t have to agree with them and, frankly, I don’t even have to read them.
          Do we ever make life too difficult?   Have you noticed how easy it is to involve ourselves in things that really aren’t our business and get emotionally bent out of shape over things that we really can’t control?  Sure, when people are in physical, emotional or spiritual danger we might have a need to intervene, but just because someone expresses a different opinion than we possess doesn’t mean that we should become worked up about what they think.
          Are we too sensitive to the opinions of others?  Maybe it is time to take a step back and breathe.
          Think About It!

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