Wednesday; February 14
of my favorite passages is found at the very beginning of the Bible, “Then the Lord God said,
‘It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable
for him.’”. (Genesis
2:18) My personal affinity for this
verse has less to do with the creation aspect of the passage – the thing that
makes it so special to me is how this idea of God has blessed my life for the
past four decades. When God made this
declaration He set in motion events that would bring Jeane into my life. I am thankful for and blessed by God’s
understanding that mankind would benefit from the presence of intimate
Day is one of those days that is often measured in dollars and sense (yes –
sense). Too often, at the end of the
day, it’s success is determined by how much money we spend on our loved ones
and if we had the good sense to make thoughtful purchases. While Valentine’s Day can be a fun time to
exchange presents, the love that is shown the other 364 days of the year is
what makes relationships work. Diamonds
have a lot of “star power”; but it is holding hands in church service, doing
the dishes when it isn’t your turn and bringing home his favorite ice cream or
her special concoction from Starbucks that keeps the romance alive. A dozen roses can be an attention-getter; but
love is defined by two eighty-year-olds giggling together, newlyweds eating burnt
grilled cheese sandwiches and a husband taking the kids to their favorite pizza
restaurant so his wife can have a few moments of peace and quiet.
am thankful that God made couples. My
life is so much better because I don’t have to spend it alone. Yes, I will be getting Jeane a Valentine’s
Day present, but I am grateful that our relationship is defined by something
without a price tag.
Think About It!