Friday; June 14

On June 14, 1777 the Second Continental Congress adopted the resolution, “That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”. It would be years later that, under President Woodrow Wilson, National Flag Day was proclaimed. It would be decades later, in 1949, when Congress codified it as a special day in our nation. Happy Flag Day!

As I thought about our nation’s flag, I let my mind wander back to the 18th Century and reflect upon what that flag meant – not as a national banner, but as something that represented what had happened in the last few years. In the matter of a few years some very independent-minded people had set aside their differences and joined together to create something special. They were all ready to work together to find a unity of purpose. No, that didn’t mean that they forsook what made them unique (as states), but it did mean that they were willing to cooperate to produce something that would benefit them all.

We live in time of independent-minded people today; but that doesn’t mean we can’t come together in unison to rebuild something special. No, we don’t have to reject our individual desires and characteristics, but when we choose to cooperate in areas of mutual benefit, we can do great things. Those 13 stars on the original flag represented a new constellation – just imagine how bright it would be if we brought 50 stars together in a renewed movement of unity in 21st Century America.

Think About It!

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