Wednesday; March 12
Have you noticed how easy it has gotten to be all tied up in knots? Is it because we have so many problems or is the issue that we don’t wait until we have problems, we begin stressing out about them before they even happen? Some of us do this internally – we work ourselves into anxiety by thinking and overthinking things. Yet, even people who don’t stress to excess can get caught up in this challenge. In an effort to “get a head start” on what might happen, people are apt to project what could be happening in the future. By listening to the uneasy people around them (or reading the opinions of those who claim to have inside knowledge) we start worrying about what might happen well before it happens. The challenge with this is that we can’t overcome what hasn’t manifested itself. We can’t adequately deal with “what’s ifs” and “maybe wills”. Trying to fix a fear is like nailing Jell-o to the wall. Since there is no substance to it, any effort is futile.
When we are aware of what is going on around us, but withhold our judgment until it really happens, we set ourselves up for success. Let’s be wise; but also a bit wary of getting in too big of a hurry. When we focus on maintaining peace until it is time to embrace the chaos, we’ll find a lot more contentment in life.
Think About It!