Monday; February 24
At some point in our lives, many of us have wondered about the security of our jobs. Even those who have done a good job can find themselves in a quandary about their future through no fault of their own. As I look back on my life, whether it was a minister for several smaller churches or as a state employee, there have been times of uncertainty. When this happens – even though we scramble to learn the facts – we spend a good deal of our time wrestling with fear. It seems like job security fluctuates from time to time and place to place, so even if you aren’t facing it today, you may tomorrow.
Now, you might read this previous paragraph and figure that I am going to break out into a chorus of “hang in there” for those who are fearful, but that’s not my point. You see, today’s observation is about what we can do to help those who are facing an uncertain future. Now, before we move on, remember the previous point – fears tend to overwhelm facts, so how can we help? I think there are a few things we can do:
1. Let people talk to you about their fears. When people are worried, they often just want someone to listen to them without judging them or evaluating their situation.
2. Assure them that you care for them as a person. Many times people in the public sector are seen as pawns in political games. Folks, the truth is they aren’t “assets” they are people! When we treat them with kindness and respect we may not help them save their jobs, but we can help to restore their self-worth.
3. Pray for them. We may not know whether to pray for deliverance, peace, recovery … or any number of other things; but when we take their struggles to our God in heaven, we provide them with the best hope they have of getting through this challenge.
Do you know someone who is struggling with employment uncertainty? What are you doing to help them during this time of personal crisis in their lives?
Think About It!