Monday; February 17

Shortly after taking office on January 20, 1993 – when newly elected president Bill Clinton sat down at his new desk – he found a handwritten note from George H.W. Bush on White House stationary.  Mr. Clinton had defeated President Bush in the election a few months before.  After providing a few bits of encouraging advice to “Bill”, the outgoing president concluded by noting, “You will be our President when you read this note.  I wish you well. I wish your family well.  Your success now is our country’s success.  I am rooting hard for you.  Good Luck – George”.  (By the way, “our” is underlined in the note.)  Interestingly enough, this note is included in the Clinton Digital Library archives!

As I read that note, the first thing that came to mind was “class”, but then another word leapt out at me – leadership.  Often, when we think about leadership, we envision the guy standing at the head of the group barking out orders; yet, often leadership is much quieter.  Leadership isn’t always winning, it can be stepping aside with grace.  Leadership isn’t always being the one with the plan, it can be graciously following someone with new ideas or a new opportunity.  Leadership isn’t always found by winning big, it is often seen in walking behind with dignity.

On this Presidents Day let’s take the time to recall the lessons some of our great presidents have left us – in victory and in defeat.  When we seek out what is best for us all, we can be effective leaders.

Think About It!  


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