Friday, January 24
What is the purpose of your life? What do you hope to accomplish in the time you have been given? Often, when we seek to answer these questions, we look at things we’d like to accomplish. Maybe we think about finding an answer to an issue that has been plaguing mankind. Maybe it is raising our children to where they can function on their own. Who knows, maybe it is just to reach retirement age with enough money and in good enough health that we can enjoy our golden years. No matter the answer, let me ask another question – what happens if we reach the goal we set for ourselves? Do our lives lose their meaning when and if we accomplish what we’ve set out to do?
The reason I being up this question is to prompt us to think about establishing goals that are never-ending. A closed-ended purpose (one that we might actually achieve) might be short-sighted and reaching those goals might create a void that derails us. However, if we are open-ended in our journey we may never reach the finish line, but we can keep moving forward. As I considered this, I was reminded of Jesus’ statement, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33). When our desire is to live a life that is pleasing to God, we may never reach perfection, but we can accomplish a lot of benchmarks in our pursuit.
Let’s not limit what we can do with and for the Lord. When we keep on keeping on we may never reach the end, but we end up filled with contentment.
Think About It!