Tuesday; December 17

The other morning I asked my Artificial Intelligence device to do something for me and she did.  I was feeling giddy that day and flippantly said, “thank you” to which she responded with “You are welcome” and some other platitude.  In all honesty I knew that she was going to respond in some way – the device is not human, but it has been programmed to respond to certain prompts.  It is obvious that “thank you” is one of them that gets a set answer. 

Now, you may be wondering why my morning routine generated an article.  No, it isn’t because my life is so shallow that I have to carry on a conversation with Alexia, nor is it that I am overly impressed with modern technology.  As I reflected on this interaction it reminded me that if we want to raise grateful children, we need to help program appropriate responses to compliments and expressions of gratitude.  No, I am not comparing our children to an electronic device, but what I am saying is that if we want our young people to be gracious, we need to teach them to act that way.  It is impolite (and frustrating) when someone offers a compliment to ignore it or reply with some inaudible grunt.  A simple “you’re welcome” can complete a civil process that creates a positive experience.  

The other day I was looking through the New Testament and found this observation, “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude …” (I Timothy 4:4).  Let’s be gracious in giving and receiving.  When we are, our attitudes and our relationships will be better. 

Think About It!

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