Monday; December 23

Last week was a good week for our church.  We took part in housing the homeless at the building during the evenings.  It was a church wide effort that could not have been pulled off by just a few.  Dozens of people pitched in and helped make the week safe for a vulnerable population in our community.  Through it all, I didn’t hear any complaining from the members of our congregation.  Even when things didn’t go the way we thought they would (or should), people just did what needed to be done.  

The reason I bring this up is two-fold.  First, I am thankful for and proud of my church family.  They are a giving group who demonstrates their love for their neighbors.  Second, an incredible thing happened throughout the week.  As long as we were busy working, people seemed to be full of energy and enthusiasm.  Even though a lot of people put in a lot of hours (many of which were outside their typical “awake hours”) they kept working!  Some of them finally talked about being tired on Sunday, but when the work was going on, they were troopers!  

As I think back on the week, I am reminded of the message in the New Testament, “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.  So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” (Galatians 6:9-10).  I am impressed about how much hard work can be done by good people and how little complaining or fatigue there is when the goal of brotherly love is kept in focus.  

To everyone that is out doing good, thank you!  You are an inspiration for all of us to keep up the good work! 

Think About It!

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