Wednesday; November 20
Do you like you? That may seem like an odd question, but there several people who read it and hesitated with an affirmative response. Some of us like us, but I believe that there are a significant number of people who read that question and thought, “No, not really.”. It may be a character trait we don’t like in ourselves. I might be an addiction with which we struggle. It might even be something as simple as not liking how negative we are or our cynical outlook on life. Oh, we have grown to live with ourselves, we just aren’t too fond of what we have become.
If we are one of those people who isn’t too crazy about who we are, there is hope. We don’t have to be stuck with who we are – we can change. Sure, there are all-kinds of self-help programs out there that promote reshaping who we are, but I want to remind us of one that is tried and true. Centuries ago, as the Apostle Paul challenged the people who lived in the First Century he reminded them, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (II Corinthians 5:17). When we allow Jesus to live within us, we can become something (or more importantly, someone) we like. I find it interesting that it is Paul (who had persecuted Christians) who writes about what Jesus can do for us. If He could change him, imagine what He can do with us.
Are you looking to become a new person? Start with learning about Jesus and how He can recreate us into an image of righteousness that both we and He can be proud of. When we do that, we can change our attitudes and correct whatever makes us less likeable than we’d like to be.
Think About It!