Tuesday; November 19
Do you hope that your children will turn out to be good people? Do we hope that the next generation will be willing to help out their fellow man? Of course we do. Now, while we have this desire, have you ever thought about how that is going to happen? Interestingly, ensuring a helping generation can’t be legislated through more or better social programs. We aren’t going to be able to invest in a better future by writing or forcing people to read better books. If we are going to ensure a caring future, we are going to have to show them how it is done. Nothing can instill a desire to do good better than the good feeling of doing good. The best way to plant the seed of generosity is by taking our young people with us as we help the people around us.
When the Lord sent His chosen people out into the world after releasing them from Egyptian slavery, He gave them specific commandments that would make them different from the world around them. Then He told them, “You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” (Deuteronomy 6:7). The things that would make their future generations distinct would be what they heard and saw! A nation of righteous people would only be raised if taught by people living in righteousness. In other words, if we want our children to live good lives, we have to show them what it looks like.
Over the next few weeks we’ll have several chances to reach out to a community in need. Are we willing to show our children what it means to be good citizens? Maybe, more importantly, are we willing to take them with us as we practice benevolence? If we are hoping for a caring legacy, we’d better be living a caring lifestyle! What have we signed up to do to help our neighbors over the next few weeks? Have we also signed up our children or other young people to join us so they can learn what it means to be compassionate adults? Remember, it is much easier to demonstrate kindness than it is to dictate it!
Think About It!