Thursday; November 21

Have you ever wondered why some people don’t like you?  I am not talking about people with whom you have an adversarial relationship – I mean those who don’t know you, but don’t seem to like you.  You haven’t done anything to them – in fact, you don’t know them – so you wonder why they treat you coldly.  I mean, we are nice guys, right?  

Now, instead of answering that question, let me ask another one – “How do we treat people we don’t know?”.  We may not act mean or nasty to them, but do we treat them warmly?  Most of us who are leery of new relationships can probably trace it back to something we learned about “stranger danger” and, while there are times when this might protect us, more often than not it just keeps us from making new friends.  Now, let’s get back to our original question, “Why do people treat us cool?” Could it be the vibe we are giving off to them?  They don’t really want to interact with us because we don’t go out of our way to embrace them. 

Gregarious people have the interesting trait of trust.  The people they meet don’t have to prove themselves to be safe and welcomed; that is a gift that trusting people give them.  Do we want more friends?  Do we want people to be more outgoing around us?  The best way to do that is by exuding that vibe to them.  More often than not, when we do that, it will be returned to us. 

Think About It!

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