Monday; November 25
Do you feel like you are walking around in a daze? There are certain medical conditions or even medications that might create a mental fog; but there is something even more common. How many of us have become so spiritually ambivalent that we just seem to be stumbling around in an emotional stupor? We find ourselves somewhere between the rampant immorality of society and the traditions of a half-believed religion so we just kind of wander around unable to focus or get excited about anything. We know the problem isn’t with the truths of Christianity, we just don’t have much of a focus. Does that sound familiar? Interestingly, it isn’t just a 21st Century problem – it appears to have been around since the beginning. Centuries ago, the Apostle Paul challenged the church in Ephesus to restore Christ to Christianity by writing, “For this reason it says, ‘Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’” (Ephesians 5:14). As I read this I thought of a “zombie religion” … something that isn’t fully alive, but it hasn’t really accepted that it is time to give up.
If we are find ourselves in this state, let’s not await until it is too late. Let’s revive the spirit (and the Spirit) in us and let’s get excited about what we have been called to do. Let’s commit to being focused and purposeful in what we are supposed to be doing. When we make the effort, the Lord will fill in the gaps.
Think About It!