Wednesday; October 2

I was recently scrolling through some quotes by past Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren who said, “To get what you want, STOP doing what isn’t working.”.  As I read that, I thought I detected a firm grasp of the obvious; however, the more I got to thinking about it the less obvious it seemed – or at the very least how much we have ignored it.  Warren’s observation seemed to remind me of an adage, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”.  Now, you might be wondering why I am waxing philosophically.  Well, the answer is that there seems to be a lot of complaining about how dissatisfied we are with things; but also seeing how little change we are trying to make.  We complain about disunity in our communities, but we keep turning up the flame on biased comments.  We fuss about how violence is up and morals are down but we keep putting up with bad behavior.  We lament the state of our young people, but keep ignoring poor role-modeling.  We say we want things to change, but we keep doing things the same way. 

If we really want things to get better we are going to have to do better.  Are we really hoping things will change – are we willing to make it happen? 

Think About It! 

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