Friday; October 4

As a longtime Denver Broncos fan, I have a love/hate relationship with the Kansas City Chiefs.  From a day to day perspective, I love to hate them; but as a football fan I have an appreciation for their organization and their fan base.  Kansas City has been a football town for a lot of years and they have a passionate connection to their team.  I find it interesting how much attention Taylor Swift has brought to the Chiefs, but I have to admit that most Chiefs’ fans were onboard long before Travis Kelsey and they will be after he has gone.  They didn’t just jump on the bandwagon and aren’t likely to abandon them if/when the star couple fades into history. 

As I thought about the Chief’s organization, I got to thinking about the Lord’s church.  Now, no, I am not saying that God has a favorite NFL team, but what I am saying is that the Christian church isn’t subject to popularity.  Its success is not based on whether it is cool to be a Christian.  The church doesn’t ebb and flow with whether society is open to spirituality.  Folks, whether politically or socially popular or not, the church is going to do just fine!  As Jesus was discussing His church with the earliest disciples, Peter affirmed Jesus’ place in the world to which Jesus responded, “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” (Matthew 16:18).  Put simply, the Lord’s church isn’t in trouble – it’s not going away!  There will always be believers … there will always be success. 

Let’s not fall victim to some belief that the church is some sort of fad that is dependent on popularity.  The church is going to be prosperous because it is ruled by the Son of God. 

Think About It!

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