Friday; October 18

What is important to you?  For some of us, it is our job so we are extremely sensitive to the office environment.  Others are tuned into our health so we take how we feel very seriously.  Some people are invested in politics, so we feel like we are living and dying with what is happening over the next few weeks.  Those who are into finances find their moods rising and falling with the stock market. 

There are a lot of things that can capture our attention, but one that we must watch is our spiritual well-being.  It may not be as invigorating as watching as presidential race or as instantaneous as taking our temperature, but we have to take an interest in how we are doing with our spiritual lives.  Are we doing good?  Are we right with God?  There are a several things that can influence our day-to-day existence, but our righteousness has eternal consequences.  

When Jesus was establishing the baseline for His God-centered religion He remarked, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33).   Let’s take the time to invest in something that will last longer than a four year term or won’t end with retirement.  When we get our lives synched with our Lord, everything else will fall into place. 

Think About It!

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