Tuesday; September 10

It’s kind of odd – I am not a big fan of change, but I do kind of like new stuff.  I realize that statement is full of dissonance, but let me see if I can explain.  When it comes to routines, I like things to be reliable … I like to feel comfortable in what is going on around me.  However, when it comes to stuff, I am not afraid to try something new.  I am not the earliest adopter – but, I will probably be among the second or third generation.  In essence, I like routine, but I can be found out there chasing some new and shiny toys as well. 

I don’t think of myself as complex, but I guess – in a way – I am.  Honestly, we all are.  Now, while this might be comfortable for us, it might confound the people around us.  Again, most of us are okay with that realization about ourselves, the problem comes in when we are the ones trying to figure out others.  It can be frustrating to deal with people we feel are “all over the place”.  Interestingly, what might seem incongruous (that’s a fancy word for “weird”) to us, probably feels perfectly natural to them. 

So, what is the point of this observation?  Simply, let’s be patient with others and show them a little bit of grace when what they do doesn’t make sense to us.  Yes, it can be frustrating, but let’s do our best not to show it.  When we take people at face value and accept them where they are in the here and now we will be more apt to be more supportive and feel less stressed. 

Think About It!

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