Thursday; September 5

We are two months away from the 2024 Elections and I have a favor to ask of you.  Can we please tone down the political rhetoric?  I am not asking you to quash your opinions or even silence your voice, all I am asking is that we enter this year’s races with self-control and a sense of respect for others.  The founding fathers of this nation saw the value in presenting opposing points of view; however, we must not allow that freedom to alienate groups and individuals from each other.  I often hear how close we are to being at war with other countries.  I am bombarded by observations about how difficult satan’s world is on Christians.  However, I am more concerned about something much more destructive in our nation and in our churches – internal fighting!  I am afraid the thing that will disempower our nation or overwhelm our churches isn’t some outside force, I believe that is more likely to come from alienation and fear fed by internal factions.  When we are more interested in our blind ideology than unity and mutual support, we don’t have to wait on bombs being dropped or doors being locked – we will start to crumble from the inside out.  The Bible is well aware of the dangers of infighting when it warns, “But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another.” (Galatians 5:15). 

Is it great that we live in a time and place where we can express our opinions openly.  However, let’s make sure that we also do it gently and with respect.  When we are willing to work (and worry) together, we can accomplish more than what any one faction can do alone. 

Think About It!

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