Monday; August 5

The other day I was visiting with someone about salvation and asked them if they could explain the concept to me.  Their response was that salvation was comparable to “salvaging” something.  At first, when I heard that, I was a little confused, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me.  Now, while the academic explanation of salvation may be different, the idea is comparable.  Salvation takes a messed up life and makes it valuable.  In essence, it salvages our lives from ruin and despair and makes it means something.  It takes what has been spiritually trashed and makes it a treasure!

When Jesus came to earth He found mankind awash in a sea of evil and He saved us from our sins.  In fact, this was the essence of why Jesus came to earth.  In identifying His reason for leaving heaven and coming to earth He didn’t say it was to set up some sort of religious organization, He came to make something out of our messed up condition.  After welcoming someone into His spiritual family, Jesus said, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10).

Have we made a shambles of our lives?  Are we willing to let Jesus salvage us from our mess and save us from our sins?

Think About It!

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