Monday; August 12

One of the more popular community outreaches this time of year is back to school shopping.  Whether it’s for school clothes or classroom school supplies there are not only a lot of sales, there are also a lot of groups involved in shopping for students or even taking the children shopping so they can buy things for themselves.  Success in school can begin in having the proper tools for the tasks. 

Now, while equipment can help our children to achieve success, there is something even more important.  Our children need stuff; but they need support as well.  They need to be able to feel safe – in the classroom and at home.  They need to have well-grounded adults helping them make good decisions.  They need consistent quality food and lodging to help them to be fueled up for their school days.  They need comfortable places to go and confident people to talk to when their parents aren’t available to them. 

I am glad that we have taken on the responsibility to help our community’s children have what they need to do their school lessons, but let’s also do what we can to help them be successful in their school days.  Whether it is volunteering in afterschool programs, taking the time to talk to our neighborhood children, financially supporting community outreach programs, or a number of other things let’s do what we can to help our youth feel that we are there for them.  Our next generation is learning about life today.  What are we teaching them – in the classroom and in the community?         

Think About It!

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