Wednesday; July 3

Do you ever wish you could be like Mr. Spock from Star Trek fame? I have to be honest with you, I am not too familiar with the syfy show, but I do know enough about the characters to know that Spock was a mixture of human and Vulcan. While this did not make him free from emotion, but it sure cut down on about half the anxiety that we have to live with! I am full-blood human and with that comes 100% emotion. Sure, I can throw in some logic every once in a while, but even that is going to have to come through the lens of humanity and heart.

Now, while at least a part of the previous paragraph is satire, there are times when I wish I was more logic than emotion – or do I? There are times when I do wish reason would overtake my emotional side, but that is also the side that houses compassion, forgiveness and humanity. If my whole life was guided by reason and logic, I would not be the caring person I hope to be. Yes, I would make fewer mistakes, but I would also take fewer chances. I would be able to treat people with more justice – but I probably would have a harder time loving them.

I don’t know the perfect blend of emotion and logic, but let’s see to find how we do the best for the people around us. When we find that proper balance, we’ll be able to have a more powerful impact on people.

Think About It!

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