Wednesday; July 17

As much as I hate to admit it, we are entering into the election season. Several years ago I subscribed a to satellite music provider to get away from politics … then I moved on to streaming video services … I am not sure where I will have to go to avoid the current political poison. Now, let me pause here for a minute and explain myself. Yes, I believe in the American political system, and I do believe there is value in a multi-party system; however, what gets me is when the volume drowns out the issues. I find it interesting discussing governmental and social issues, but I am turned off when those discussions cease, and the cries become venom spewed for the sole purpose of disparaging those who don’t agree with us. Interestingly, this isn’t just an issue with American politics, it has been a challenge in religion for centuries.

The other day I was reading through the wisdom of the Old Testament and came across an interesting observation, “A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind.” (Proverbs 18:2). As I think about the vitriol that is being spread around today, I get the feeling that it is less a statement of political or religious conviction and more the evidence of the folly of humanity. Sure, I think there are some absolute truths, but even those who hold those truths need to be continually learning and, if they get the chance to teach, they do so with a gentle spirit that seeks to win a convert rather than defeat an enemy.

We need to remember that after this election – or, for that matter, after any discussion – we must live and work together. Let’s make sure our motives are pure and our words are encouraging.

Think About It!

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